Out There Arts National centre for outdoor arts and circus


Grace Billings – A Day at the Beach



You’re in safe hands as this Aussie lifesaver protects you from the dangers of the beach. Absurd and funny, everyone will feel at ease after the important “Safety Demonstration”. She takes her job seriously, lives will be saved if they need to be; however surfing is also hight on the priority for this day at the beach! There will be circus feats, hula hooping, questionable magic, beach buckets of fun for the whole family to enjoy!

Festival Information


Friday 2:00pm

Friday 4:40pm

Saturday 2:00pm

Saturday 4:40pm


40 mins




Marina Centre

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Download Grace's Easy Read Guide

An Easy Read Guide aims to make written information easier to understand for people with learning disabilities. It is also useful for people who finds it hard to read standard written English.

“Sharks, water safety and hula hoop, the combination you never knew you needed until you see Grace’s “A day at the beach”. A delightful adventure for all the family with surprises and mischief at every turn as the beach takes to the street!” - Ciara O Mahony- Producer for Pitch’d Circus & Street Arts Festival

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