Out There Arts National centre for outdoor arts and circus


Sam Goodburn – Wire Attire


A man on a unicycle on a tight wire. black and white photograph

A journey of one man’s quest to put on his clothes, eat biscuits and unicycle across a tight wire. Sam Goodburn has spent countless hours trying to be funny - with his quick wit and biscuit tricks it’s not difficult to prove to you that he is.

Thousands of audience members at festivals and stages around the world have been impressed by his skills and only a few found it odd that he is wearing a winter bobble hat on a beautiful summers day.


"He writes his own story, he makes is own rules and does it all in his own quirky style" Jasmin Sadler The Circus Diaries 

"The unicycling in particular is both absurd and full of drama" Lyn Gardner The Guardian 

"Sam plays both a clownish role and has the allure of a star." Bert Hertogs Concert News Belgium 

“He nearly gave me a cardiovascular crisis, It was truly something" Patrick Marmion Daily Mail

National Freestyle Unicycle Champion Overall winner of Circus Maximus 'search for the UK's best circus act' 2015

Production Credits: Sam Goodburn

Festival Information


Saturday 12:00pm

Saturday 3:00pm

Sunday 12:00pm

Sunday 3:00pm





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