Out There Arts National centre for outdoor arts and circus


Stacked Wonky – 4 Minutes


Two people with their t-shirts pulled over their faces

A large digital clock hangs overhead. This is a countdown duet for two 17 year-old boys tasked to report back on life in just 4 minutes. The duet punches a great big hole through what youth dance looks and feels like.

Festival Information


Friday 2:00pm

Friday 4:45pm

Friday 7:30pm

Saturday 2:00pm

Saturday 4:45pm

Saturday 7:30pm


25 mins (includes 5 min pre-show and 10 min Q&A)




The Drill House

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“Outstanding performance @ GDIF by far was Stacked Wonky. Fire. Banger. 10/10. Blew me away. 2 teenagers full of
danger, daring, talent & energy.”
EJ Benning, Strike A Light

Creators I Performers: Stuart Pelling and Ernie Shorten
Artistic direction: Sarah Shorten
Music: Sebastian Tesouro

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