Out There Arts National centre for outdoor arts and circus

About Coasters

Discover world-class culture around the coast of England!

The coast holds a unique place in our hearts and minds – a place of eccentricity and fun; where society’s rules become a little relaxed; where international cultures have mixed for centuries; where the borders of art and entertainment seamlessly merge.

A dozen of the country’s leading coastal arts organisations are working together to bring you the very best international circus and street arts to events and festivals around our wonderful coastline. Spectacular, innovative, ambitious… amazing, you’re guaranteed to see some world-class performance around the coast this summer.

The English seaside is a place of fun, freedom and festivity – get out there and celebrate!

Our Partners

Activate Performing ArtsDreamland MargateFreedom Festival
Hastings Borough Council
Left CoastThe Grand Theatre of LemmingsMouth of the Tyne FestivalSo Festival
Suffolk Coastal and Waveney District Council
Theatre Orchard
Worthing Theatres

Please consider donating

Want to help us host even more amazing artists and classes? The more support we get, the higher the quality of ever-growing programme will be. By choosing to donate, your support will help us to continue hosting these wonderful events such as the Out There Festival.

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