Out There Arts National centre for outdoor arts and circus


La Mecànica – A Teen Odyssey


12 - 99YRS

£4 - 16

St George's Theatre

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Crowd holding phones watching a lady dancing

An immersive theatre experience, blending live physical performance and digital technology to create an unforgettable journey for teenagers and adults. Exploring themes of personal identity, intergenerational connection, and how we find our tribes, the audience joins the performers on a participatory, visually stunning, and sonically captivating adventure.
The innovative Kalliôpé app uses the audience's mobile phones as the catalyst for interaction.
A Teen Odyssey transcends theatrical boundaries, interweaving audience, performers and technology in ways you will find surprising and unforgettable.

Pay What You Can: £4, £8, £12, £16

La Mecànica, in collaboration with Fundación Épica (La Fura dels Baus). Funded by Consell de Mallorca and Institut d'Industries Culturals de les Illes Balears. Touring funded by Institut d'Estudis Baleàrics

La Mecànica – A Teen Odyssey


£4 - 16

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