Out There Arts National centre for outdoor arts and circus


Zen Del Sur – Orbita


shirtless man with large hoop dancing with blue light

Órbita (orbit) is pure poetry in motion. An emotionally charged work of art, full of strength and sensitivity, which offers the audience an integrated vision of a real artistic fusion between: acrobatic dance, urban dance, flamenco, Cyr Wheel, Boleadoras and acrobalance. 

Carlos López and Noemí Pareja, two multitalented artists, interact through different contemporary styles of movement, circus elements, dance and live music under the gravitational attraction of their roots: Andalucia and Flamenco. The performance invites the audience on a dreamlike journey that guides us towards our roots.

Festival Information


Saturday 12:40pm

Saturday 2:35pm

Saturday 4:35pm

Sunday 12:40pm

Sunday 2:35pm

Sunday 4:35pm



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