Out There Arts National centre for outdoor arts and circus

What is a Touch Tour?

Touch Tours are for you to familiarise yourself with the festival area, props and sounds used in the experience. It is also an opportunity to meet the cast and ask any questions you may have that would help when watching the show later on. They have been designed so that you can have a Touch Tour in the morning and then watch the show in the afternoon.

Touch Tours are designed for visually impaired people and people with Special Educational Needs, however, if you think you would benefit from attending please feel free. Families with an access user in the group are all welcome to join the tour.

Tour Touch times and details will be announced closer to the festival .

If you are interested in bringing a group of people who would like to attend a Touch Tour please email access@outtherearts.org.uk

Child touching bird sculpture


Touch Tour’s will take place at each artist’s pitch throughout the festival site. If you struggle finding the pitches, please head to the Access Hub in the park and someone can escort you.

You can pick and choose which shows you wish to attend the Touch Tours for.  Please aim to arrive 5 minutes before each Touch Tour starts.

Illuminated puppet in the dark of the night

Please consider donating

Want to help us host even more amazing artists and classes? The more support we get, the higher the quality of ever-growing programme will be. By choosing to donate, your support will help us to continue hosting these wonderful events such as the Out There Festival.

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