MDR is a farce to disturb and entertain.
Melon, Mardi and Rossinyol face an unexpected conflict. Their untamed and clumsy nature and the need to exist take them to an improbable show, where they freely explore any atrocity. This hilarious and terrifying experience transmits the story of a truthful and rough friendship, caused by a sense of responsibility and of guilt.
An improbable crime, a suspicious trial and an absurd punishment.
As a paradox, they might cause the desire to die from laughter.

Collaborations and complicities:
Adrià Naranjo, Franxi Misserachs, Imma Vilar, Antigua i Barbuda, Adriano Marçal, Joan Cruixent, Txo Titelles, Borde Basse, Jordà Ferrer, Txell Janot.
Support to the creation: Ajuntament de Cardedeu – Cardedeu Inspirant Cultura.
With the complicity of Taula de Cultura i Joves de St. Esteve de Palautordera, Cia. Baró d’Evel Cirk, Carnage Productions and Konvent de Cal Rosal. Also, culture areas of the Town Councils of Sant Esteve de Palautordera and Granollers.
With the support of ICEC - Departament de Cultura de la Generalitat de Catalunya and Institut Ramon Llull.